Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Remember the good ol' days

...when stuff was made in Japan? The quality of crappy trinkets was so much better than it is now. Then they started making junk in Hong Kong and Taiwan, or, as Harold used to say, "Jaiwan" (see note below). Then Mexico and India came along. And finally the queen mother of all low-quality, pennies-on-the-dollar-to-make, sweatshoppin' momma with a face like a gent, communist manufacturing kingpins, China, took over. The quality of the crap that Americans buy nowadays is just pathetic. You can't blame the Chinese, they're just taking what we're giving them. You're Welcome China and Corporate America!

Noticed how I didn't even mention the REAL good ol' days when stuff was made in the USA??? That because anyone who is using a computer nowadays, probably can't remember back that long ago.

*** note: Harold was this old construction worker I worked with years ago. He was the absolute model for the Dale character from "King of the Hill," down to the conspiracy theories, sunglasses, voice, skinny build, opinions, and sayings. His classic gripe was that the IRS was a bunch of crooks and that that federal income taxes were illegal. Harold was also famous for calling the Hyundai the "Hon-Dooey."

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